Lot 42 : Icon of the High Holidays of the year of Orthodoxy. In the center the Resurrection of Christ. Tempera and gold on wood. 35 x 31cm. Russia, end of the 19th century. €300/500
Lot 43 : Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All the Afflicted". Tempera and gold on wood. 31 x 36cm. Russia, Paleckh school, 19th century. €400/600
Lot 44 : Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy". Tempera on wood. 27 x 31.5cm. Russia, 19th century. €200/300
Lot 45 : Icon of the Crucifixion surrounded by twelve episodes from his life and the Passion, then sixteen vignettes of the main feasts of the Orthodox liturgical year. Tempera on wood. 37.5 x 44.5cm. Russia, end of the 19th century. €200/300
Lot 46 : Icon of Christ Pantocrator. Tempera and gold on wood. 31 x 36cm. Russia, end of the 19th century. €300/500
Lot 47 : Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy". Tempera on wood. 39 x 48cm. Russia, Palekh school, first half of the 19th century. €400/600
Lot 48 : Icon with four scenes on two registers depicting Christ Pantocrator and the Mother of God Feodorovskaya in the upper part, and Saint George slaying the Dragon and the Archangel Saint Michael killing Evil in the lower part. Tempera and gold on wood. 31 x 35.5 cm. Russia, 19th century. €300/500
Lot 49 : Icon of the Mother of God of the Pokrov or Protection of the Mother of God. On the fields the holy metropolitans of Moscow Peter, Alexis, John and Philip. At the corners the Four Evangelists. Tempera and gold on wood. 44 x 53.5 cm. Russia, Moscow school, late 18th - early 19th century. €600/800